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Old 05-12-08, 11:22 PM   #1
BassFishin.Com Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 15
Default Jack Plate/RPM ??????

I'm new too the "BIG" bass boats. Recently traded a 16' Alumaweld w/ a 40Hp Yamaha to aTriton Tr-186 w/ a 150hP MERCURY XR6. Both boat and motor are a 2004. Here's my question: The boat has a manual jackplate. First time out on it, the front lifted to over 45 degree angle taking off, took a long time to level and plane out, and it sounded as if the prop came out of the water for a second or two. Took off trimmed all the way the down. Then after plaining, hit a very small wave and the front end came up and down and up and down, etc. Almost threw me and my rider out. Went home and dropped jackplate about 1/2" and it handles waves much much better. The front end still lifts high but not nearly as bad and it still takes a min to plane out, and the prop still sounds out of water for a sec or two. The "bullet" on the lower unit is about a 1/4" to 1/2" below bottom of the boat, motor trimmed down. Is this not below enough and should I lower the jackplate more? Speed tops out about 54-55mph gps. I have around 13 to 15 psi water pressure. And max rpm wot plained out is 5000 to 5100 rpm. I've read this motor should max out at 5600. I believe the prop is a Tempest 23" pitch, which i think is correct for this boat. Any suggestions or info would be greatly appreciated.
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