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Old 01-22-13, 11:44 AM   #1
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Default brand name depth finders

ok, when i upgrade my units i am gonna TRY to get the NEWEST and BIGGEST i can afford. after looking at the new units coming out this year i am asking this question.


from what i saw BOTH now have down imaging AND side imaging available. split screens also available on both brands. so.....which is better and has the best features?

like ol bruce said on keiths thread, THESE OLD EYES of mine aren't the best anymore, so i am going to TRY to get the 10 inch screens for front AND back.

so ya'll tell me who has the best IN YOUR OPION and WHY.

yes i am spending money already. hoping to get my CHRISTMAS list started a little early. lol. this years models should be on sale by then. for ONCE in my life, i would love to have some NEW stuff on my rig, lol.
so many lures, so little time.
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Old 01-22-13, 12:06 PM   #2
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John I'm no sonar expert and even though I'm currently using a Lowrance, I've always thought Hbird's were easier to read, had more user friendly menus and had far better customer service.But the real reason I replied to your post was to say how pleased and tickled I am to see you talking about buying a couple of high end 10" units when less than two weeks ago you were gonna pass on the $5 ante Big Bass Contest! God Bless oyu!!!
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Old 01-22-13, 12:49 PM   #3
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I think Lowrance has better graphics in GPS mode but the new HD 'birds may be closing that gap. Humminbird is SI/DI ready but Lowrance requires an additional module at $600 that makes much more expensive. HB is more user friendly with easily understood menus. HB I hear has great customer service but I have not had to use it. I have with Lowrance and it could be better. Do your homework and get some on the water experience with someone with the brands you consider if at all possible. It is a big investment and you really need to be happy with your choice.
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Old 01-22-13, 01:50 PM   #4
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Also consider the ducer in the equation. I hear Humminbirds is pricey.

But I am no (has been drip under pressure) X-spurt.

Capt Mike
Capt Mike Starrett light tackle guide Potomac River
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Old 01-22-13, 07:41 PM   #5
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Any can be pricey,yes some will require additional sonar add ons some wont,somewhat depends on the model.
Di starts at around 250 for say 5 in screen black and white,from there up costs more to have more regardless of brand.Entry level in color is about 350,I know this as looked at them recently dont require 600 dollar add ons,yet some costing a lot more do so read the fine print that I do know bird is famous for along with page 2 under more details.
To me the high lowrance has a wee edge but not at the entry level.
And before I go buy a 3 k sonar unit will buy another boat with it.
Agree kudos for even considering
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Old 01-22-13, 07:42 PM   #6
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kenneth, THANKS! yes i am hoping THINGS ARE finally GONNA BE LOOKING "UP" FOR US AROUND HERE. bout time too!!! haha!

bruce, this is EXACTLY why i made this thread. i WANT to hear comments like you jsut posted bud. i have lowrance right now in front and rear. OLD models but sitll work "ok" for now. loveing the GPS on the console even though it IS in black n white,lol. front is jsut a regular color unit. not bad actually, pretty good graphics and shows oyu hte FISH pretty good too.

i DEFINANTLY need a unit that is "user friendly" lol. i am having a har dtime understanding the OLD GPS unit i have now, lol. so that PLUS the price is oging to be a MAJOR factor. not in a hurry, got PLENTY of time. so i'll wait for more "testamonies" form others before i make the pruchase.

i can't wait for things to get better for lisa and i gang. FINALLY....i hope to get the things lisa needs and DESERVES first. then i'll get my little "toys",lol. we are BOTH excited aobut this.
so many lures, so little time.
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Old 01-23-13, 09:27 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bassboogieman View Post
I think Lowrance has better graphics in GPS mode but the new HD 'birds may be closing that gap. Humminbird is SI/DI ready but Lowrance requires an additional module at $600 that makes much more expensive. HB is more user friendly with easily understood menus. HB I hear has great customer service but I have not had to use it. I have with Lowrance and it could be better. Do your homework and get some on the water experience with someone with the brands you consider if at all possible. It is a big investment and you really need to be happy with your choice.
I agree with Bruce. I have been a Humminbird guy for a long time and I don't ever see that changing, at least not anytime soon. Humminbirds customer service is flat out awesome, or was for me the one time I had to use it. Lowrance is pretty much known for having horrible customer service, and from what I hear it got even worse when they fired Linda Colt. Hands down I would get the bird if it were me.
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