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Old 11-12-08, 09:13 PM   #1
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Arrow New Production Video: The Geospatial Advantage

NEW BassFishin.Com Production Video

The Geospatial Advantage
Geospatial Mapping Tools and Techniques For Anglers

In addition, we have made a page listing all the resources detailed in the Production Video. You may view it at:
Kevin Scarselli
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Old 11-13-08, 12:21 PM   #2
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I have used the software and applications you mentioned in the past, but never at the level explained in your video. The features you showed in that video probably helped my mapping of new water/ potential hot spots better than anything i've ever seen before.


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Old 11-13-08, 01:04 PM   #3
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Same thing with me, I stayed up way too late last night getting a lot more information from the resources that I have been using previously not to their full potential. Thanks!
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Old 11-13-08, 03:24 PM   #4
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just what i need...more of an excuse to sit in front of the computer!!!!! thanks kev.
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Old 11-13-08, 06:00 PM   #5
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I know what I'm gonna be doing this winter.

Nice job Kevin!
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Old 11-15-08, 12:03 PM   #6
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't really follow the advantage presented for using Google Earth. Especially as the video shows trying to indentify inflows/outflows, clear water, etc...The reason being, the Google Earth images can be a year old. I took a look at our lake, and the images are clearly old and wouldn't be of the use identified in the video.
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Old 11-15-08, 01:43 PM   #7
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First off I want to say thank you so much. The video is so informational. I have a questions though. I believe in the video you were using a Mac. I too have a brand new Mac and can't seem to find how to run World Wind on it. Any info on where to download or how to run it on a Mac would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 11-15-08, 06:44 PM   #8
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if you have a standard gps take it with you while fishing 90% of all gps systems have elevation readings. the main lake will be a certain elevation while water flows DOWN hill. anything with a higher elevation will be upstream..

do ya think the water is flat or something?? it aint trust me..

the godfather..
aml in remission since 7-20-09
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Old 11-15-08, 08:21 PM   #9
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so when you see a lake and look at the tide, is google earth in real time?
The ones I've seen are dated photo's of the satalite pic...just wondering..anyone know?
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Old 11-15-08, 09:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
First off I want to say thank you so much. The video is so informational. I have a questions though. I believe in the video you were using a Mac. I too have a brand new Mac and can't seem to find how to run World Wind on it. Any info on where to download or how to run it on a Mac would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Thad... thank you for the kind compliments. I primarily use a PC for nearly everything and unfortunately NASA World Wind has not yet been ported for use on Mac. The primary reason is because it relies on DirectX, which is a PC-based software graphics-rendering library. I haven't heard about any future plans for Mac, but if I hear anything, I'll be sure to post and let you know.

Originally Posted by JB View Post
so when you see a lake and look at the tide, is google earth in real time? The ones I've seen are dated photo's of the satalite pic...just wondering..anyone know?
Virtual Globe software never displays satellite imagery in realtime. You are always looking at a dated image. The images can be anywhere from just a couple months old to years. Google is constantly updating and adding new imagery to their Earth database, so you never really know where new imagery appears and when. The good news is that they are really ramping up the delivery of new imagery, so if you are looking at a lake right now that doesn't have good imagery, keep checking it every week as it may become available at anytime.

Of course tidal flow and bottom contour stays pretty consistent, even over years, so you can extrapolate based on what you see inside of Earth or World Wind. Google Earth displays the date the imagery was captured on at the very bottom of the application.
Kevin Scarselli
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Old 11-15-08, 09:32 PM   #11
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Thanks! *figured you'd had a tidal explanation on file* ROfL
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Old 11-16-08, 11:52 AM   #12
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Default Kevin.. great video

My sincere thanks for "Dumbing it down" a bit for the 2 or 3 of us that aren't real computer savvy!!!! I wore out the pause button while taking Keep the videos coming, water is getting hard as we speak. My wife walks in asking what I am doing, tell her watching fishing vids. She says, well, better than porn I guess. I told her it IS porn to me. Great stuff
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Old 11-20-08, 12:06 AM   #13
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It was a real good video. Didnt even know world wind existed. That sun angle tip has the potential to be huge if you think about it. I'm not certain how accurate it is, but the more they work on it the better it will get for predicting shade and sun areas.
Selling live waterdogs for less since 2005.
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Old 12-03-08, 07:26 PM   #14
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I sincerely doubt that we will ever get real time satellite imagery from Google. Just can't see the gov't allowing it for security reasons.

I've been using Google for some time, and I've always checked the imagery of my home, which is still several years old at best. This makes using Google nearly useless for checking out new bodies of water as far a laydowns are concerned. However, I do use Google for getting familiar with a new body of water.
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