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Old 01-11-14, 11:37 AM   #1
BassFishin.Com Super Veteran
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Default A big thank you to my buddy...

Doc Irv. I have sufficiently recovered from Thursday's visit to our local "Sportman's Shop" to understand fully how his intervention saved me an assault from my better half had I made the purchase in an uncontrollable moment of weakness.

What? you asked could have been so bad to have gotten ahold of me and had it not been for the strength and fortitude of my fishing buddy, I would maybe have been looking for a new home this weekend.

Well the shop in question was where we purchased out Hobie kayaks. Oh yes, I nearly drug another kayak home, not just any kayak but ANOTHER PA-14. Yes, I have one, a very nice one, a 2012 that I bought at retail - BECAUSE YOU CANNOT BUY A HOBIE - NEW - at less than retail. Demo, sure, but not new, never hit the water, pristine, full warranty... OMG, it's happening again, I wonder if it's still there.

If you don't know anything about Hobie kayaks, then you will probably not understand why my brain went soft and my knees went weak (like I cannot fathom Dean's record keeping) and I immediately went searching for my credit card. Which was the point Doc grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the store. He is of course, built of stouter stuff AND has much more sense (control?) when it comes to parting with a dollar. Me, my credit card is always ready for a little exercise.

So what was the problem? Well this brand new 2013 PA14 that has never been in the water was being sold well below retail - I told you, that NEVER happens. Not only at less than retail, but about 30% below retail or if you don't know how expensive they are - $800 DOLLARS off! I COULD NOT RESIST. That savings would have paid for another paddle kayak for small streams - I didn't/don't need that either.

Well, Doc saved me. Pulled me right out of the store, shoved me in his car - NOT and easy task as he drives a KIA Reo (I told you he's very particular when it comes to parting with a buck and I have to be particularly careful with placement of body parts when getting in it) - where upon I hit my head and was rendered nearly unconscious, then he drove rapidly away - well not so rapidly, remember it's a KIA - and got me out of Dodge (which is what I drive). The man never wavered, or succumbed to my screams and tears about being dragged away from the store. He is a true friend. Thanks buddy!

P.S. I have embellished the story a tiny bit in the effort to make it a little humorous. But the story is true and a bit sad if you can imagine me, 6'5", 300 pound, 64 year old grown man, being pulled across a parking lot, behaving like a 10 year old child that's just been told he can't have that Hershey bar he so badly wanted. Put that vision in you mind's eye and I bet your laughing like a hyena. As my pal Joedog says: "Please have the best day you can", spring and the return to sanity isn't that far off.

Last edited by bassboogieman; 01-11-14 at 11:47 AM.
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